Jake Bryant's GITA 2 Portfolio

Misinformation VS Disinformation

This project we learned the difference between Misinformation and Disinformation, then we created a project all about it.

Technology Page Rollovers

This project we learned how to do rollovers on images and links to create a website about the technology of our choice.

Business Card

This project we learned how to create a webpage that has the resolution of a phone screen to create a buniess card for ourselves.


This project we learned how to use absolute and relative positioning to create a collage of things that represent us.

Merchandise Gear Webpage

This project we learned how to use buttons and textboxes to do calculations to find the total of an order in your store

Merchandise Gear Webpage Upgrade

This project we used checkboxes and radio buttons to make an upgraded store with a survey and a discount.

Dice Game

This project we learned how to use a randomizer, how to change images, and how to use probability.

Craps Game

This project we learned how to make a playable Craps.

Triangle Checker

This project we learned how to make a working triangle checker that shows if 3 sides are a triangle and what type they are.

Circle Bounce

This project we learned how to use the HTML5 Canvas tag to make a classic circle bouncing with a rectangle that kills the circles and a little one the enters the big circle if touched

Space Invaders

This project we learned how to make a working space invader game and how to make a working bullet.

Extreme Webpage

This project we had to make a webpage that made computer science extreme with a video

Circle Bounce Upgrade

This project we learned how to make arrays and how to randomize the properties of a circle

Helicopter Game

This project we learned how make custom shapes in Canvas and how to splice and use arrays to make birds

Computer Research

This is a project with subjects we had to research

String Program

This project we learned how to compare strings, as well as store them in variables and turning them into Uppercase or Lowercase.

Robo Dog

This is my Final Project. Enjoy

About the Creator

My name is Jake Bryant and I am a Freshman in GITA 2 at Brea High School in 2022-2023. My goal is to attend BYU in computer programming. I also want to work for Google or Apple. My goal is also to learn multiple computer languages.

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